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  • Email: Rob.thomas@wsi-emarketing.com
  • Nice Name: prvengineering
  • Website: https://www.prv-engineering.co.uk
  • Registered On :2024-09-18 08:23:17
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prvengineering Posts

CNC Waterjet cutting is a specialised manufacturing process that uses a high-pressure jet of water to cut or shape various types of materials. The power of the CNC waterjet cutting machine comes from a pressurising pump that uses a small precision nozzle. As the water exits the nozzle, it delivers a supersonic stream of water, about three times the speed of sound.

Could there be a new, improved method for delivering nuclear fusion? A British fusion company seems to think so as their novel pistol shrimp-inspired system has succeeded with aplomb. According to a company spokesperson, they aim to have a pilot plant operational by the 2030s. This could have a tremendously positive impact on the UK, especially with the current energy crisis.

With all the talk about more sustainability in the aviation sector, it turns out old cooking oil could power the world’s largest passenger airliner. That is exactly what happened on the 28th of March 2022 when an Airbus A380 performed a first flight powered by 100% sustainable fuel.

The process of cutting and shaping steel, aluminium, or other materials to create specific items is known as metal fabrication. The design for a metal fabrication project is generally created by a designer or an engineer. The design is then turned into plans by a contractor or engineer, who uses it to construct the planned item. In this post, we’ll look at some of the materials utilised throughout the manufacturing process and how it all comes together.

In a collaborative effort between the United Kingdom and France, the Concorde was born. It was the world’s first supersonic commercial aircraft which was a cut above the rest and, perhaps, a few decades before its time. Having invested so much in building this revolutionary supersonic commercial aircraft, why did the Concorde fail?

EFC, or Earth Friendly Concrete, is cement-free concrete that typically results in a carbon reduction of 75% to 87% when compared to traditional concrete mixes. It consists of a geopolymer binding agent that is produced from the chemical activation of blast furnace slag and fly ash rather than OPC (ordinary Portland cement). As such, Earth Friendly Concrete may help to minimise the carbon impact of concrete used in construction projects.

High-voltage switchgear is a type of electrical circuit protection equipment that protects, regulates, and separates electrical devices. The electrical components are housed in metal enclosures where a switchgear line-up or assembly refers to a group of one or more of these structures. Since PRV Engineering specialises in high-voltage switchgear, rail product and Oil & Gas industries, here is a summary of what it entails and how it works.


November 2024