

7 Nov 2014

Is your business looking to expand into the Nuclear sector as a potential market opportunity? If so, help is on hand.

The Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC) has joined forces with the Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) to help more than 300 small manufacturers.

The said SMEs will be encouraged to seize the opportunities of the UK’s rapidly developing £60 billion civil nuclear new build sector and £1.5 billion a year decommissioning programme.

The business improvement programme – Fit for Nuclear (F4N) – has been funded by a number of top tier partners including Areva and EDF Energy.

It will measure individual business operations’ against the standards required to supply the nuclear industry – in new build, operations and decommissioning.

24 Apr 2014

Although the industry has suffered widespread criticism, there has been a general improvement in public attitude towards engineering.

Produced in March, the Public Attitudes report found that despite a lack of quality engineers, people now hold scientists and engineers in high regard. Ninety per cent not only believe engineers make a valuable contribution to society but view them as creative, interesting and open-minded people.

According to an article in The Engineer, this is borne out by Engineering UK’s annual Engineers and Engineering Brand Monitor, which found that for all age-groups ‘interesting’ has triumphed over previous descriptions for engineering, such as ‘dirty’ or ‘messy’ and even the more ambiguous term ‘challenging’.

13 Dec 2013

Parents have not always viewed the idea of their child taking up an apprenticeship, as a viable career choice. However, with Britain trapped in a double dip recession and parents becoming increasingly concerned about the future of their offspring, there has been a shift in emphasis.

According to new research, almost a third of parents who were previously against apprenticeships, have now changed their views. The research, commissioned by BAE Systems and the Royal Academy of Engineering and carried out by YouGov, involved a study of over 2,000 parents of children aged 11-18.

5 Dec 2013

The Government has announced its fourth national infrastructure plan which includes over £375 billion of planned public and private sector investment.

The plan not only sets out investment for energy, transport, flood defence, waste, water and communications infrastructure up to 2030 and beyond but comes at the same time as six major insurers have revealed plans to collectively invest £25 billion in UK infrastructure over the next five years.

The Treasury believes the National Infrastructure Plan provides the visibility and improved certainty industry has been looking for in order to commit to big investments.
It is also suggested the plan shows the government is delivering a long term strategy to make sure the UK tackles decades of under investment and moving forward, is able to provide the infrastructure required to compete in the global race.

22 Nov 2013

Mechanical Engineering is vital to everyday life and has been around for centuries. It shapes the world in which we are living and the future on which we rely. From basic objects like wheels to the ever useful screws and inclined planes, from cars to aeroplanes, from paperclips to the rail industry, from bridges to skyscrapers, they all work under the foundations and principles laid out by the laws of mechanics.

We have seen how machines have made our lives easier and the wonders of mechanical engineering. But what is the future of engineering?

10 May 2013

A £1.25 Million expansion at PRV Engineering and an upgrade project has just been completed at its site in New Inn, Pontypool, South Wales.

The addition of an 8000 sq ft building to its already 28000 sq ft facility, and the addition of a 10 Tonne overhead crane capacity means that PRV have set themselves up to re-enter the fabrication and construction markets. Markets that it retracted from some years ago to concentrate on developing its internal Engineering and Fabrication Services.

Expansion at PRV Engineering has brought new machining centres

12 Mar 2013

Investment is the key to future success; so says Simon Jones, CEO of PRV Engineering, and after all, he should know. PRV Engineering are one of the fastest growing and most successful high precision engineering service providers in the UK. They owe it all to the fact that they are prepared to invest in their own future. In the same way that the government’s education policy was coined as being “education, education, education”, PRV’s philosophy would be coined as “investment, investment, investment!

Staying at the Cutting Edge

The engineering sector is one of the fastest growing technical sectors in the economy. Recent advances in CAD/CAM, and new breakthroughs in programmable software packages are opening new pathways all the time. It’s vitally important that if an engineering company wishes to stay at the cutting edge of its industry, it understands that investment is the key. It must have the latest plant and machinery otherwise it will lose its competitive edge.

14 Jan 2013

Real Engineering in Desperate Need of more Women

Real engineering has come under the spotlight following a recent comment made by one of the UK’s top, living inventors, James Dyson. What Mr. Dyson was referring to in an interview with the Radio Times, is today’s penchant for internet based crazes and video gaming in particular, rather than in conventional engineering. Perhaps he does have a point, but of course we mustn’t overlook the fact too, that web technology is also one of the UK’s strongest niche markets. In fact last year the video gaming industry contributed over £1 billion to the UK’s economy.

The fact of the matter is that the boys and girls of today grow up with computers and computer gaming. It’s therefore quite natural that so many become young men and women with their eyes firmly set on making a career out of their hobby.

24 Dec 2012

Goodwin Sands – The Best New UK Hub Airport Proposal

Goodwin Sands, 1.8 miles off the East Kent coast, may provide the answer to the UK’s urgent need to increase our airport capacity. An article recently appeared in the PRV Engineering blog regarding building a 5th runway at London Heathrow. It therefore seemed only right and proper that this new development in the Kent sandbanks should also be given an immediate airing.

11 Dec 2012

Motorsport Engineering Sales in the Ascendancy

Motorsport engineering sales are in the ascendancy. Over half of the specialist high precision engineering companies that cater for this exclusive market, have reported increased sales year on year according to figures released by the MIA (Motorsport Industry Association). The MIA’s report states that 10% of suppliers realised increases of over 50%. It is clearly a trend that is bucking that of UK manufacturing sector as a whole.


October 2024