Tag Archives: Engineering Developments

6 Aug 2019

Metal fabrication is used to create various components and products with different qualities for numerous applications. In fact, metal fabrication services have been the primary choice for builders, engineers, contractors and structural steel fabricators around the world. It is undoubtedly a specialist process that requires expertly trained staff, advanced equipment, quality workmanship and finishing.

If you are looking for a reputable metal fabrication company for your next project, you should know how to narrow down the list. Here are a few of the major factors you need to consider when choosing a metal fabricator. Choose wisely and it could be the best investment for your project. The right company could help save on costs while providing exceptional finishing and quality.

26 Feb 2019

Image Credit: Rolls-Royce

The UK Government, with Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, has awarded Rolls-Royce Submarines with a £235m contract to support nuclear propulsion systems for the Royal Navy’s nuclear-powered submarines. They have also revealed the name of the third Dreadnought submarine that will add to their already powerful naval defence. It is called HMS Warspite in memory of the last ‘great ship’ built during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

As the contract stipulates, Rolls-Royce will deliver the required support, advice and materials to ensure the safety of the propulsion systems. The multi-million-pound deal relates to the current Trafalgar, Vanguard and Astute class submarine fleet until 2022. The contract will also help sustain approximately 500 jobs in the UK mainly in Derby, HMNB Clyde and HMNB Devonport.

13 Apr 2018
14 Jul 2017

Hypersonic travel is described as flight through the atmosphere below 90 km at a speed above Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound). That means traveling from London to New York could only take about 2 hours. The concept has been around for a long time but applying the theory to practice is a different story.

It’s not an impossible task but the problem has always been how to handle the extreme heat at high speeds. Now, thanks to advanced aerospace engineering, a special ceramic has been developed making hypersonic air travel a real possibility.

9 Jun 2017

Military institutions all over the world are constantly looking for ways to develop the next generation of weapons. These include tech like new combat helmets with HUD (heads-up display), improved body armor, future battleships, drones capable of delivering a deadly punch. Or what about a prototype hoverboard called the Flyboard Air for personal flight?

It’s also referred to as an Independent Propulsion Unit (IPU). It’s the result of a 4 year long research and development project headed by inventor Franky Zapata. Better known for the Water Flyboard he invented five years ago, more recent projects include

8 Apr 2017

Space Exploration – Beyond Imagination

We are in a race for space travel once again and through the imagination of movie producers and the real advancements in technology, we are all hooked. Movies like Star Trek, Star Wars and a few others did a great job at capturing our feelings and imagination. Even though it may have been science fiction, it’s the sheer possibility of space exploration that drives our love of astronomy and our desire to learn more.

Space is not infinite and somehow there must be an end to it. But if there is, nobody on Earth has figured out where it is, at least not yet. The only thing that has brought us to “the end of the universe” is our limited ability to see deeper into space.

We are getting closer though with advances in technology and propulsion like

6 Feb 2017

After a year of various design stages the SpaceX Hyperloop competition weekend took place at the end of January.

Hyperloop, the project to revolutionise the future of travel is some way off but the involvement of SpaceX CEO Elon Musk continues to fuel the excitement around the project, keeping it very clearly on the agenda of engineers worldwide. Pods gliding through low pressure tubes delivering people and cargo from A to B at speed and with no turbulence, may seem like something from a sci-fi movie, but with some systems tested last year and more scheduled for this year, that future could become a reality in the next 5 years.

21 Jan 2017

Vehicles from those old sci fi films are increasingly becoming a reality. Driverless cars, autonomous boats and all sorts of drones are regularly in the news. The latest to hit the headlines is the Hoverbike.

The Hoverbike (which is in fact a quad copter) started life way back in 2014 and was funded by a Kickstarter campaign. Development on the Hoverbike, continued into 2015 and following a test flight of their prototype at the Paris air show, UK company Malloy Aeronautics paired up with American engineering company SURVICE to deliver a Hoverbike for the US Department of Defence.

23 Dec 2016

As we approach the year end we thought we’d take a look back at some of the new and innovative engineering stories and reports that came out this year.

There were some astounding breakthroughs in the medical and healthcare sectors as well as enhancements in the more run of the mill procedures.

Osseo integration (the practice of using pins to implant directly into the bone) has been in the news throughout the year. Despite many successful surgeries overseas, growth in the use of the procedure has been relatively slow. A UK pilot of the procedure for military personnel who have lost limbs launched in September this year. If successful it is hoped the use of the procedure can be adopted more widely.

11 Nov 2016

Hyperloop One has agreed a deal with the Dubai Road Transport Authority to assess the delivery of a hyperloop system that will reduce the time taken to travel from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.

The system which works using a vacuum-sealed pod transport system could potentially reduce the time taken to travel the 90 miles from Dubai to Abu Dhabi in as little as 12 minutes. Whilst initially the aim is to concentrate on what a hyperloop system can achieve across the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there is speculation that it could be expanded at a later date to build links with neighbouring Gulf countries. The current travel time by plane between Dubai and Saudi Arabia is 2 hours; with Hyperloop that travel time could be halved.


October 2024