Tag Archives: Engineering Developments

12 Feb 2013

New milling technology, that advances the traditional milling capability, has recently been announced. It comes courtesy of a new advancement from Vero UK in their Edgecam software range, and has been christened “Waveform Roughing Strategy”.

The New Milling Technology Deserves a few Plaudits
It’s a rare event when something new comes along in the engineering world, so this new milling technology deserves a few plaudits. Edgecam software is cutting edge stuff, if you’ll excuse the play on words. These software programs are specifically targeted at the high precision machining sector within the engineering industry. It’s state of the art CAM/CAD application which takes advanced tool-path engineering and seamlessly melds it with CAD output. The growing library of Edgecam software packages is intent on improving productivity through the manufacturing cycle.

21 Jan 2013

3D Modelling and Computerised Simulation Software Plunge to the Deepest Depths

3D modelling and computerised simulation are still relatively new concepts in the engineering world. Their arrival has enabled the modelling and prototyping of components that have amazingly complex profiles. But in the greater scheme of things, they have also played a fundamental part in enabling man to land at the deepest place on Earth – the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the ravine that scores the sea bed of the western Pacific Ocean, stretching for some 1,500 miles off the coasts of Japan and China.

First Man at the Earth’s Nadir
Movie blockbuster director James Cameron made the historic dive last year, the first man ever to have made the dive to the deepest reaches on the planet. He seems to have an obsession with our oceans. In 1989 he directed “The Abyss”, the movie that revealed an alien civilisation living in the Cayman Trough, the deepest point of the Caribbean Ocean. Then in 1997 he directed movie blockbuster “Titanic”. The move in which Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio starred, dramatising the sinking of the White Line liner on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic from Southampton to New York in 1912. In 2005 Cameron part directed “Aliens of the Deep”, a documentary which explored the life-forms that dwelt around hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

14 Jan 2013

Real Engineering in Desperate Need of more Women

Real engineering has come under the spotlight following a recent comment made by one of the UK’s top, living inventors, James Dyson. What Mr. Dyson was referring to in an interview with the Radio Times, is today’s penchant for internet based crazes and video gaming in particular, rather than in conventional engineering. Perhaps he does have a point, but of course we mustn’t overlook the fact too, that web technology is also one of the UK’s strongest niche markets. In fact last year the video gaming industry contributed over £1 billion to the UK’s economy.

The fact of the matter is that the boys and girls of today grow up with computers and computer gaming. It’s therefore quite natural that so many become young men and women with their eyes firmly set on making a career out of their hobby.

4 Jan 2013

New Rapid Prototyping Development will Cut Costs and Lead Times

A new rapid prototyping development has been announced that could make the so called “rapid prototyping” process even faster. The new methodology revolves around making prototypes using vacuum forming technology. Vacuum forming is a way of thermoforming plastic. It involves manufacturing a tool, around which a heated sheet of plastic is draped. A vacuum is then created between the mould tool and the draped, preheated plastic. This vacuum sucks the heated plastic forcibly onto the tool, and holds in place whilst it is rapidly cooled by engaging the fans built into the vacuum forming machine. As it cools, the plastic conforms to the exact shape of the mould tool.

24 Dec 2012

Goodwin Sands – The Best New UK Hub Airport Proposal

Goodwin Sands, 1.8 miles off the East Kent coast, may provide the answer to the UK’s urgent need to increase our airport capacity. An article recently appeared in the PRV Engineering blog regarding building a 5th runway at London Heathrow. It therefore seemed only right and proper that this new development in the Kent sandbanks should also be given an immediate airing.

17 Dec 2012

Engineering Recruitment Needs to Double by the Year 2020

Engineering recruitment needs to double. So says Engineering UK which has just published a report looking forward to the year 2020, based on current forecasts. The total number of engineering jobs that will require fulfilling is 2.74 million, and of this number, 1.86 million are predicted to need recognised engineering qualifications.

Apprenticeship Numbers Need to Rise
Apprenticeships were once highly prized. But over recent decades they have become less sought after as the UK’s manufacturing base shifted offshore. This, coupled with the boom in the new digital information era, meant that many youngsters moved their sights away from careers in the engineering sector. But that trend has over recent years, started to turn once again. Whilst it is true to say that the total number of jobs in general engineering has fallen drastically from the levels of 50s and 60s, the number of engineering companies working at the high precision end of the market has increased. Companies like PRV Engineering are flourishing, and it is in this particular sector of the market that demand is set to escalate.

26 Nov 2012

Secret Behind Continued Success Revealed by PRV Engineering

The secret behind continued success, no matter what the subject matter, is staying ahead of the game. It’s the difference between being mediocre, and being a leader. It’s also what keeps PRV Engineering at the top of the tree as one of Europe’s top high precision machining and engineering service providers.

Be Proactive not Reactive

But the secret behind continued success is not just keeping up with the latest developments; it’s all about being proactive. The majority of businesses tend to be reactive. When a new demand becomes evident, they respond by adding their services to other suppliers also adding theirs. But forward thinking companies like PRV Engineering, use their proactive ability not simply to respond to demand, but to actually create that demand in the first place. How do they do that you may ask? – And the answer is, through their policy of Kaizen.

5 Nov 2012

Biological Crude – Potentially the New Power-Lubrication Source for Engineering

Biological crude oil from Algae may soon become a commercial reality. So say engineering researchers from Michigan University in the US. Recent research seems to indicate the possibility of converting 65% of Green Marine Micro Algae into what is being called Biological Crude or “Biocrude” for short. This in itself is not new news. But being able to create the Biological Crude in one minute is! Results of the research have just been published at the annual meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

We Can’t Wait a Million Years
With traditional crude taking as long as 1 million years to form from marine organisms, it won’t be very long before existing known sources that are financially viable to extract, become totally depleted. Waiting another million years for naturally occurring stocks to regenerate just isn’t an option. Solar power looks like being a real possibility as an alternative energy source, but now too – so does Biocrude.

19 Oct 2012

PRV Engineering Keenly Observe as New Energy Flowers Blossom Forth

PRV Engineering are very conscious of the amount of energy that many of their engineering machining processes consume. With energy being a precious and limited resource, recent news of the blossoming of a new man made GeS energy storing flower has aroused great interest, not only in engineering circles, but in the world at large.

The new GeS nanoflowers are the result of recent research undertaken by the North Carolina State University, and they could have a significant impact of the shape of future energy storage. The greatest energy source is of course the sun. It’s a virtually limitless source of supercharged power. The only problem is in harnessing it, which is where these new ‘flowers’ come into the equation.


October 2024