Tag Archives: maritime

20 Apr 2021

The shipping industry is vital for world trade as 90% of goods are transported by sea. However, it is also one of the most carbon-intensive industries along with aviation that contributes to climate change due to its reliance on fossil fuels. This brings us to the decarbonisation of the maritime sector but it is easier said than done. In this article, discover three incredibly innovative projects that could set the tone for decarbonising global shipping.

10 Mar 2020
19 Sep 2019

The robotics industry has advanced tremendously in recent years with several cutting edge developments. Now, researchers have created a hydrogel-based, light-powered robot that swims in response to a direct light source.

This particular robot, the OsciBot, is attracted to and only powered by a constant visible light source. It doesn’t require a battery pack or power tether of any kind. This type of technology could revolutionise the maritime industry in terms of energy harvesting and propulsion in the future.

20 Mar 2019

Image Credit: Austel

When we look at modern naval vessels, the larger and more glamorous ships generally take centre stage including the massive aircraft carriers and the ever-dangerous nuclear submarines. However, if it weren’t for frigates, these super ships would be unable to safely take on the open oceans.

Frigates are also called the “eyes of the fleet” and serve as multi-purposed warships. Their size is essentially in-between a smaller corvette and a larger destroyer where they act independently of the fleet and can free up larger ships in medium-threat areas.

While frigates weren’t suitable to fight with the rest of the fleet in normal battles, they were the perfect solution to long-range solo missions. This included exploration, patrols, escorts, blockades, anti-piracy and anti-slavery missions among others.


December 2024