Tag Archives: PRV Engineering

28 Sep 2012

Quality is the Number 1 Prerequisite says PRV Engineering

Quality is the number 1 prerequisite when you drill down to the roots of success. So says Simon Jones, owner and director of PRV Engineering Ltd, one of the fastest growing success stories in the engineering machining services sector in recent years.

The reason that PRV maintain that quality is the number 1 prerequisite, is that it underpins everything else. It doesn’t matter how quickly you can get the job done. Nor does it matter that the price is the cheapest available. If the product, or the service that you supply as a manufacturing and installation engineering services provider does not meet the specification, or the client’s expectations, the other commercial factors are irrelevant. Who better than PRV to know?

17 Sep 2012

Deep Hole Drilling – The Stuff Dreams are Made of?

Deep hole drilling, (sometimes referred to as Gun-drilling), is a specialist machining operation that requires a specialist engineering company to carry it out. It is used when high precision round bores are crucial. The process produces holes that can be controlled within very tight tolerances. It gives far greater accuracy than conventional drilling methods ever will.

PRV-Engineering are one of the few skilled engineering service suppliers to offer a deep hole drilling facility here in the UK.  The service can be supplied as an integral part of an overall manufacturing project. It can also be offered as a sub-contracted service for clients who either do not have the in-house capability themselves, or who have, but do not have the capacity.

11 Jul 2012

One-Stop-Shop – PRV Engineering Turn the Dream into a Reality

The One-Stop-Shop is many buyers’ dream of simplifying their purchasing workload; especially in the engineering industry, where in-depth industry knowledge is critical, and hard-won job experience is essential. It’s perhaps one of the reasons that all too often, many companies that claim to offer a one-stop-shop service fail to deliver, and simply do not live up to expectations. But here at PRV Engineering, we are the exception to the rule. We always deliver; and not just in the sense of meeting critical deadlines; we deliver top quality too!

The problem for many companies that aspire to becoming a one-stop-shop supplier is that they turn themselves into a Jack of all trades. But in the engineering supply arena, being a jack of all trades just doesn’t cut the mustard; especially in the fields that PRV Engineering are primarily involved in, namely: The Railway Industry, The Busbar Industry, and the Deep Hole Drilling Industry. In these specialised engineering fields in particular, being a “Jack” is simply not good enough, you need to be the Ace – and we are!

4 Apr 2012

Too often people tend to forget just how important manufacturing is to any given country’s prosperity. As the world has moved into the modern computer age, where technology is readily available as well as information, it can be simple to assume that Great Britain doesn’t actually make anything anymore. Society, as a whole, has become complacent with regard to this topic and issue and, while it may seem harmless on the surface, education and enlightenment are always cures for what ails one.

Make it in Great Britain is a campaign that is set on enlightening the general public about what this great nation actually produces. It is believed that the more that the general public knows and understands about these manufacturing innovations and contributions to the overall economy, the more they will grasp the full impact of those engineers and other workers who are behind this vast productivity.

Coinciding with the Olympics and Paralympic Games

The Make it in Great Britain campaign will be produced and displayed to coincide with the Olympic Games, to take place in the summer of 2012 in London. If one thinks or ponders about what Great Britain produces as far as manufacturing is concerned, at the moment, they may not come up with too many ideas off the top of their head. This will all change when the Make it in Great Britain campaign kicks off this summer.

Unfortunately, most of the views that citizens have of manufacturing are outdated, and government agencies as well as some of the top Great Britain manufacturers are combining their resources to refresh and recharge the notions of this powerful industry within Great Britain.

One of the Largest Manufacturers in the World

It often strikes the average layperson that Great Britain is one of the world’s leading manufacturers. In fact, the manufacturing sector contributes more than £140 billion to the United Kingdom’s economy. Why does all of this matter? As the world moves into an uncertain future, with the economies around the world in tepid waters, struggling to determine where the best approach to the future will lie, manufacturing has taken a bit of a back seat as far as its importance, at least as far as the public is concerned.

However, in reality, manufacturing has been and will remain a vital component of growth and prosperity well into the future for this great nation and the Make it in Great Britain campaign will highlight this and launch us into a prosperous future.

29 Mar 2012

While the world continues to struggle with thin future employment prospects, the world of power generation in the UK is looking brighter every day (pun definitely intended).

Here’s a piece from The Telegraph detailing bleak job prospects for 2012, especially for young people, as corporations refuse to hire new staff.

There are many changes through regulations, requirements, and demand that are lining up to transcend the potential of energy production that had been imagined only a few short years ago. Countless people from around the country and around the world had been demanding that society take a closer look at the way it produces energy and find alternative solutions that could be more cost effective and, perhaps more importantly, safer for the environment and the consumer public at large.

The Catalyst That Changes Everything

Yet few individuals are truly willing to make changes when it comes to energy production until there is a breaking point. What has been good enough for a while will continue to be good enough. Then, suddenly, the global economy takes a hit, falters, and reels into a recession that it continues to struggle to climb out from under to this day. Energy, more specifically electricity, is one of those ‘luxuries’ that most of us have taken for granted for far too long.

Now we have to take a long, hard look at how we produce the electricity, how to transmit it effectively to a growing population, and how to do so with an ever-increasing demand for that energy.

Have a read of this article, also from The Telegraph, detailing how energy from swimming fish could be captured and fed into the national grid in order to power homes in the UK.

Welcome to the World of Engineering

This becomes the pivotal moment where engineering becomes crucial. For far too long the general public has either been taught that engineers are a luxury or individuals who are not worth nearly as much as they claim to be. Yet now society is beginning to realize the importance of engineers to make preparations, design plans for the future of energy production and transmission, and do so with that growing demand for power.

The energy production industry is seeking engineering minds that have the desire to work hard, be innovative, to think outside the box, and are willing to dive into the world of energy production. The industry leaders are not as concerned with experience within the field as they are with the transferable skills that each engineer would possess. The growing field of nuclear generation is merely one example of where these vital engineering minds are required.

Here’s a piece in The Engineer that discusses the bright future of Careers in the Energy Industry in more detail.

Wind turbines, most of which are housed offshore, are another example. Solar energy is yet another example of the sectors within energy production where the right engineers can put their experience and desire to make a difference to work in the world of energy for millions of consumers. With a wide open future, anything is possible.

9 Mar 2012

During recent years, there have been calls for the UK to do more to promote apprenticeships for those young students and ambitious young adults who desire the opportunities that apprenticeships offer. As a result, a push was made to increase apprenticeships throughout the country and recently there has been a fair amount of coverage lauding the progress of these programs. Here’s a recent article on how Tesco is to create 20,000 new jobs, and open apprenticeships to external candidates.

This all may sound like great news for young, eager engineers in the making, interested in snagging an apprenticeship, but upon closer inspection, the numbers are a bit deceptive.

6 Mar 2012

As the economy throughout the world, and in Great Britain began to sink at the latter part of the last decade, copper thefts were on the rise. There is a direct and measurable correlation between a poor economy and copper thefts, which is tied together through a complex equation of supply and demand. While homeowners and businesses have faced the prospect of having pipes and electrical wiring stolen from their vacant properties, it has moved into more occupied space, as well as other industries.

9 Feb 2012

Last week, Education Secretary Michael Grove confirmed that the engineering diploma rating would be downgraded from 5 GCSEs to one. This will have far reaching ramifications for not only the students who have sought a career in engineering, but also the firms, like PRV, that seek out the most qualified engineers from the graduating classes. The reported move was precipitated by the belief that since not all vocational qualifications are equal, it is unfair to offer them the same inherent value.

1 Feb 2012

No doubt you will have seen that the High Speed Two (HS2) rail system project has recently been given the go-ahead by the British government.

This new rail line is intended to revolutionise high-speed transport in Britain, reducing travel times between our major cities of London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.  View a map of the rail system here.  Millions of journeys normally taken by road and air could be taken instead by high-speed rail, benefiting the environment as well as the British traveller.

New general secretary Steve Murphy said: “The development of high speed rail will provide a vital shot in the arm to the whole country especially regions which have suffered from under investment for decades.

“The project will create thousands of construction jobs initially while the line is being built and in the long term as these vital improvements in infrastructure will encourage future investment opportunities.”

In this post we’d like to begin exploring the implications of HS2 on the UK Engineering industry.  No doubt this will be a topic we continue to explore as the project develops.

23 Jan 2012


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